
About Hannah

I had my first sustainability “A-ha” moment while reading Barry Estabrook’s Tomatoland in college. The book details some of the major environmental and social issues behind something commonly found in my grocery basket (tomatoes)! 

I was horrified that something I regularly purchased was contributing to worker abuse, water pollution, land degradation, and more! 

I began to wonder about the hidden environmental and social problems in everything we buy — including food, clothing, personal care, and just about everything else. (Unsurprisingly, a lot needs to change!)

My interest in sustainability as a student eventually carried into my career. Currently, I work on a team of sustainability consultants, where we help companies across all industries build their businesses responsibly. 

I started this blog to share ideas and recommendations on how we can all play a role in building a more sustainable and just future.

The “01” in 01 Impact is meant to represent both the challenges and opportunities that come with reducing our collective environmental footprint. While getting to “zero” impact is no small undertaking, the combined efforts of companies, policy-makers, and everyday people will get us to the right place.